what is the best way to set up themes for live concert?

  • pavel_drumsss

    On the contrary, shorter toms are better for live. The sound engineer will pull the bottom of the problem out of them). I've tried different settings, recently experimenting with artistic ones. Now I like Jason Bittner's tuning.

  • sega

    what does the director have to do with if the guy doesn't intend to sound them?

  • pavel_drumsss

    I wrote it out of habit) By the way, I advise you to try the tuning with the upper heads stretched stronger than the resonator heads. The volumes will sound louder, brighter, and better cut through.

    And unison, according to my observations, is best for the studio to achieve maximum volume and volume. But you still have to cut the sustain with gates or dampers. Because the toms will buzz, although they sound exactly.

  • aroma

    also thought to tighten the upper ones, and under the "Medium" sustain. It is just indicated that in this case the attack turns out to be stronger.

  • 5seven

    I don’t know about the rest, but I like it when the attack and short sustain. For high-speed playing very good