Setting up Addictive Drums 2

  • sega

    Experiment with the volume of individual elements of the installation

  • scorp

    and so finally, for example, you can learn how to mix drums ...

  • swerus


    One addictive is not enough.

  • a_sharapko

    the simplest option is to divide the drums into separate droshkas after filling them and count them in wave - and to hang any plug-ins on these tracks and use internal settings-pesetas.For example, Waves - H-Eq and H-Comp.

    Well, to play with the balance-for example, if you want dense metal point drums, there is not much point in making loud room microphones, etc.)

    In short, this is a forest and not to delve into the essence of the information at all.

    In general, yes-learn how to reduce.Starting from the basics-or to some courses behind, to explain what a film adaptation is and what compression is.Just not to "somehow understand", but to fumble normally.

    Yes, and the controls (monitors) are boring for you to go home normal-you can also bring studio headphones, of course, but they still won't give an objective picture.In order to determine the degree of suitability of your monitoring, watch the video below, about comparing 9 barrel mixes.If the difference is almost inaudible, change them urgently.if each mic is distinctly different in character from the other by ear, then you have good monitoring, you are a professional sound engineer and it's just fine to troll us here)

    In short-sound recording and mixing:things are categorically difficult, requiring skills, experience, imagination and patience.

  • Maxofff

    I subscribe to each of the above words. Of the simpler ways, I can recommend the Metal library, there are some pretty fat presets, and the samples themselves sound much more powerful than any other library for AD.

  • kreker

    Convert each drum track to midi and hang SSD 4 this is the fattest plug-in) Then you delete the VAV and leave your hardware and SSD

    You don't have to bathe at all and do everything in an SSD

  • lucky83

    there are a bunch of ready-made presets, you can see how they differ, which knobs are in which position