Prevention of wrist pain
Extensor tendinitis is a common condition among drummers due to repetitive arm and hand movements. Without prevention of the disease and treatment in the initial stages, it leads to serious problems.
Hatha yoga is an excellent source of methods for the prevention and treatment of both inflammation of the tendons and other diseases. The following simple stretches will help you improve the functioning of the muscles and tendons of the hand by stimulating blood flow in this area. The advantage of these stretches is that they can be done anywhere and at any time. Before the performance, after, on the bus, in the car or at home.
Brush Stretch
Rest your right elbow on the table, turn the palm of your right hand to your face. Place your left hand on the fingers of your right hand and apply gentle pressure. Let the weight of the left hand freely stretch the hand.

Palm Stretch
Rest your right elbow on the table, turn the palm of your right hand to your face. Bend your right hand to grab your left thumb. Hold for 30 seconds.
Repeat both stretches for the other arm. After stretching, be sure to let your hands rest and relax.

These stretches are good not only for drummers, but also for guitarists, vocalists, keyboardists and others where repetitive brush movements are present, such as keyboard typists.
Stretching should be done on a regular basis. Try to stretch your brushes several times a day. But be patient and careful! Do not stretch the brush with haste and excessive effort.