Budget drum kits: Mapex QR
In our country, most beginner musicians cannot spend large sums on expensive instruments, so they have to choose from what manufacturers call budget options.
Today we are going to look at Mapex QR budget installation from Mapex.
This is an updated version of Mapex Q budget installation.
Characteristics of Mapex QR 5244
Model: Mapex QR 5244
Material: basswood
Hanging tom sizes: 10*8 and 12*9
Floor tom size: 14*14
Drum size: 22*16
Snare drum size: 14*5.5
Pedal: Mapex P300
Hi-Hat Stand: Mapex H300
Snare stand: Mapex S300
Plate rack: Mapex C300
Mapex QR Drum Kit Description
Of course, first of all, you need to choose the installation according to the sound and quality of the materials, but the appearance plays not the last role.
The Mapex QR installation looks solid and not cheap at all.
The main disadvantage of any budget installations is weak Hardware.
This unit, after being upgraded in 2006, received improved Hardware, which was previously supplied only with much more expensive Mapex V-series units.
All racks have a "memory" so that they do not constantly adjust their height.
Mapex S300 snare stand
The only drawback is the plastic knob on the snare clamp.
Hi-Hat Stand Mapex H300
The hi-hat stand pedal does not have a platform, its role is performed by steel "mustache", the stand legs are now double, which will allow it to remain in the drummer's arsenal for a long time.
Plate rack Mapex C300
It also has double legs, memory like all the stands in this drum kit.
Mapex P300 pedal
The pedal does not have a platform, its role is played by "whiskers", the pedal is single-chain.
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Mapex snare drum 14*5.5
In the previous version of this kit the snare drum was steel, in the updated version the kit comes with a wooden snare (American basswood), which gives a completely different sound, only you can judge.
Tom holder (hanging tom holder)
The tom holder is very comfortable. It is a swivel mount that will allow you to set the toms both high and very low. In budget setups, these elements are often skimped on, and the comfort of playing on toms directly depends on the height of their installation.
Tom suspension system
Mapex introduced independent suspension of ITS tom-toms in this and subsequent installations, without holders in cases.
This means that there are no holes in the toms themselves, and this allows you to achieve the right resonance and balanced sound, since any extra hole in the drum body, any extra massive part interferes with their correct sound.
Musicians should look for their own sound, someone else's opinion should not be decisive, so the sound quality of the installation was determined by the author's own criteria, there were demonstration heads on the installation.
The unit produces a powerful and balanced sound, the kick drum sounds very powerful.
Pros and cons of installing Mapex QR
Convenient tom holder (hanging tom holder)
Tom suspension system (no holes in the tom body)
Memory on all racks
plastic snare clip
The Mapex QR drum kit is one of the leading drum kits in the budget segment of the market.
The setup has powerful hardware, and the tom suspension system is already a feature of more expensive setups.
With this tool you can progress for a long time and it won't break.
Article Author
Kolmakov Sergey www.drumnet.ru