Physical exercises for the drummer.
1. Neck
Let me remind you once again that by default all exercises are done 10 times.
1. Tilt the head forward and backward. Do slopes with maximum amplitude. One tilt is back and forth, then the second is back and forth. The time I need for these 10 exercises is approximately 12-15 seconds
2. Head tilt left and right. Do tilts with maximum amplitude.
3. Head rotation left and right. First in one direction 10 times, then in the other 10 times. Maximum amplitude. Time is individual. Take care of your spine.
4. Sharp turns of the head to the left and right. Movements as if you want to touch your chin to your shoulder. Look ahead. Start the exercise from this position. First, give momentum to the movement of the head, and then relax the neck and let your head turn to the extreme point simply by inertia. The turn of the head is instantaneous. Outwardly, it looks like very sharp turns of the head. After this exercise, the head is enlightened, and if you do exercises in the morning, then all sleep immediately disappears. 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other.
2. Shoulder girdle and arms
1. Rotational movements of the shoulders: forward, backward, in different directions (right forward, left back and vice versa). Hands should be lowered down and relaxed. Movements are made only by the shoulders. Maximum amplitude. 10 times each option. Don't forget the feeling of stretching and mild, pleasant muscle pain.
2. Full rotational movements of the arms: forward, backward, in different directions (right forward, left back and vice versa). 10 times all 4 options.
3. Rotation of the forearms: to the left, to the right, in different directions (right to the left, left to the right and vice versa). Stretch your arms to the sides so that they are parallel to the floor. Now start spinning like you're a twin-engine plane. Each option 10 times. In theory, we should feel the work of the elbow joint and muscles. But we use these muscles too often and give them a much greater load in life. Most likely, you will not feel anything from such a load, but you should not increase the load.
4. Rotation of the radius and ulna of the forearm forward and backward. Do not change position after completing the previous exercise. Don't give up to rest. Stretch your arms to the sides, turn the brush inward 90 degrees (all the way) relative to the forearm and begin rotations. In the course of rotation, you will need to turn the brush outward, then inward again. So 10 times forward and backward. Do this exercise very slowly and carefully. It is important to put good effort into turning the brush.
5. Move the brushes up and down. Do not change position after completing the previous exercise. Don't give up to rest. Stretch your arms to the sides so that the axis of rotation of the hands is parallel to the floor. Begin to bend the hand relative to the motionless forearm. When you bend the brush inward, you need to pull your fingers towards your wrist. When you bend the brush outward, then the fingers must be extended as much as possible. Do this exercise especially carefully and slowly. When you have bent the brush to the stop, do not start moving the brush in the opposite direction. Put more effort into bending it. Do it smoothly. At this moment, you can feel the work of the muscles, their stretching and that very pleasant muscle pain.
While doing the exercises for the hands, do not lower them. Always keep your arms out to your sides, parallel to the floor.
And the last. Do not change position after completing the previous exercise. Stretch your arms out to the sides parallel to the floor. Try to stay like this for at least one minute. Weak?
3. Back
First you need to stretch the back muscles. Due to the work of some muscles, other muscles are stretched, which are in a relaxed state.
1. Stretching the muscles of the back. Shift your weight onto one leg. Let it be on the left. Lift your right leg off the floor. Let it be as if suspended by an invisible rope. Position it behind and to the left of your left leg. Rely only on your left leg. Let the right side of the pelvis drop down relative to the left side. Hands down and relaxed. Gently lift your right shoulder up. Gradually increase the effort. You will feel a stretch. Then do the same on the other side. This exercise cannot be counted. You are invited to stretch the muscle as much as possible. Stretch very smoothly.
2. Stretching the muscles along the spine. Along the entire spine next to it are the muscles that support it. Now we will play the main role of Notre Dame. Stand up straight, put your hands down. Try to close your shoulders in front of you. Now gently tilt your shoulder girdle forward. You are hunched over. After a while, sit down slightly, slightly bending your knees. You should feel the stretch in your muscles.
3. Stretching of the abdominal muscles. Stand straight with your hands on your belt. Tilt your body back as far as possible. Focus on arching your spine. Legs should not be bent. You will feel a stretch in your abdominal muscles.
4. Stretching of the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Rotate the shoulder girdle to the right 90 degrees relative to the pelvis. Tilt your body back as far as possible. Turn the shoulder girdle to the left, etc.
5. Stretching the lateral muscles. Stand up straight. Raise your left hand up and bring it behind your head and as far to the right as possible. Make tilts to the right side. Do the same on the other side.
Once again, I remind you that all exercises should be done smoothly. For example, if you are doing the 5th exercise, then it is better not to do several inclinations, but to gradually incline the body and make only one in the end. In these exercises, you need to feel the stretching of the muscles. Before moving on to stretching other muscles, think about whether you have done everything for this muscle.
6. Turning the back to the left and right. This is an exercise for the spine. Extend your arms to the sides. The arms during the exercise should be relaxed, they will hang out, but the elbow should not be bent in any case. The pelvis must be immobile. Make the first turn as far to the right as possible. Let the arms fly by inertia and increase the amplitude of rotation of the spine. As soon as the hands have reached the maximum possible point, turn as far as possible to the left. The neck should also rotate along with the entire spine, turning the head. Try to remember the viewing angle that opens up to you when your head is at the extreme point. As you do this exercise, you will notice that with each turn you can see more and more space in front of you.
7. Circular movements of the pelvis. The meaning of the exercise is that the upper part of the spine is motionless, and the lower one describes circles (if you look at you from above). This exercise has 3 positions. They differ in the distance between the feet. First position - legs together. In this position, the vertebrae of the thoracic spine will work. Start making circular motions with your pelvis. Remember to arch your lumbar spine back and forth. 10 circles in one direction and 10 in the other. The second position is legs shoulder-width apart. In this position, the vertebrae of the lumbar spine will work. 10 circles left and right. The third position is two shoulder widths. The lower vertebrae of the lumbar spine will work. With each change in position, you will see a decrease in the range of motion of the spine. These exercises are very useful for the pelvic organs (men, you are concerned first of all, and your girls will be happy with your success))). Well, for us (drummers) they will be useful for strengthening the muscles of the spine and increasing the mobility of the vertebrae.
Rudiment of the week
This is very similar to the rudiment of the day, only the rudiment changes once a week. So you practice the same rudiment every day for at least 10 minutes, and a week later you change it to another rudiment from another group, just like the rudiment of the day. This gives you a lot more focus as you practice eg single stroke roll every day for a week before moving on to double stroke roll.
This way you get 45 minutes of doing rudiments every day. Just don't get confused - "Rudiment of the Week" exists in order to practice it daily, not once a week! You only change the rudiment once a week. I write down the rudiments on the board so that I don't lose consistency.
All these exercises must be done smoothly, otherwise you may pull a muscle or tendon.
Charging complete!
Such exercises can warm up the muscles, increasing their tone and develop joints for better mobility. Muscles and ligaments can only be stretched in a relaxed state, otherwise you will experience unpleasant pain, and the result will be zero. From such exercises, in general, the efficiency of the musculoskeletal system increases. And also (I think so) the blood circulation of the brain (and not only) improves, which plays an important role in the life of a musician (person).
Every part of the body is involved in playing the drum kit. Arms and legs are directly involved in the game, the torso provides balance, balance and coordination, each joint is under stress and at the same time must do its job perfectly - provide smooth controlled mobility.
Do not forget that immediately after such a Charging, you should not sit down at the drums. There will be excessive tone in the muscles, which will only interfere.
I hope that you were able to capture the essence of this charge. It does not consist in physical activity, but in stretching, warming up the muscles and joints.