Gary Chaffee Phrasing and Motion буклет Gary Chaffee - World Music 4all Publications 2010 332 Буклет к видеошколе Gary Chaffee Phrasing and Motion. Здесь можно скачать Gary Chaffee Phrasing and Motion буклет pdfИздательство: World Music 4all Publications Смотреть видеошколу: Gary Chaffee Phrasing and Motion Tags: Gary Chaffee Другие книги авторов Gary Chaffee Linear Time Playing Funk & Fusion Grooves for the Modern Styles Gary Chaffee Rhythm and Meter Patterns Gary Chaffee Time Functioning Patterns The Best of Modern Drummer: Rock Gary Chaffee Sticking Patterns Gary Chaffee Odd Time Sticking Gary Chaffee Technique Patterns Gary Chaffee Sticking Time, Linear Time, Rhythm and Meter буклет