Greetings! The following problem arose when the roland td9kx was connected to ezdrummer2 - when you hit two pads simultaneously, the sound of one is duplicated. Choosing a setting for roland in the pl...
Barabashki, tell me, please, what is the best way to hone rudiments at home? Just a pad or a pad on a stand? Separate pad, stand alone or ready-to-use kit? Which company do you like?
Tell me which layers to pull on the small steel TAMA rockstar 14. 6.5. below there was 200ka. the blue hydraulics from Evans (I heard a lot of indignation about this) are now pulled from the top of th...
Guys, tell me what is better in such cases! Cut with a small arc, or reduce the cymbal in a circle. I don’t really want to reduce it since it’s 18 k medium crash, but I have the 17th one.
Hello everyone! Please tell us in more detail about the Paiste Innovations series, what, what, how, what analogs are there in the existing lines! For what music and all that? Thanks!)
Guys, is it worth buying good drums for recording or can you keep up with 30-35K. Despite the fact that the microphones are still happy with the bad ones? Please advise.
Gentlemen-Comrades !!! Tell me how to isolate the sound on a budget? The bottom line is: there is a warm, brick garage with heating, we use it for a turnip base. Everything is covered with carpets, bu...
Who bought what to transport the entire set. I am personally interested in a bag in which you can carry everything (double pedal, working up to 14x6.5 and plates) and with wheels. Does such a thing ex...
Here's about Chuzhbinov's pads. Nice feeling thing, but not a damn it is not quiet)). On the counter, a loud one gives off to the floor (it turned out to be much louder than rial fila. And the wooden-...