Neil Peart A Work on Progress

This DVD box documents the work in progress of recording Rushs Test for Echo album, as well as Neil himself, in the studio. Neils special approach to drums is featured in songs from Test, also a 4 camera shoot as Neil lays down the fiery creative drummikng for which he is known. Other topics include a discussion of Neils DW drumset, his approach to odd times, playing with a vocalist and a guided tour of Neils warmup routine, lots more.
On this two-video, limited-edition box set, Neil Peart documents the work in progress of recording Rushs new album, TEST FOR ECHO, as well as the work in progress of Neil himself and his endless apprenticeship to the art of drumming. On these history-making tapes, he uses the songs from TEST FOR ECHO to demonstrate concepts such as constructing a drum part, selecting rhythmic approaches, technique, odd times, the drummers role in a band, drum set orchestration and creative timekeeping.
Prehaps one of the best drummers in the world today and all you have to do to learn some of his licks is pop in the DVD. This DVD not only contains the songs from the Test For Echo album and how to play it but how Neil came to be the drummer he is today. He talks about the mechanics behind the new style that he has implamented into his playing that he learned from Freddy Gruber and explanes why they work for him and how they could work for you. Neil also disects the songs and goes over the hard fills.
The only draw back to this video is that he does not play the fills slower him self but slows down the film. This is not anything to be concerned about though. The DVD also contains a preformance only feature that lets you view his playing the whole Test For Echo album.
One of the best instructional videos ever made. Neil has gotten better with time, aged like fine wine. Too many people that think they know Neil are stuck in the past. The songs on Test For Echo are more simple in general than Rush's earlier stuff, and in true Neil Peart fashion, the Professor shows how he spent painstaking hours coming up with just the right parts to compliment the songs, as he has never failed to do. The old drum parts were complex because the songs themselves had that quality, and so he always played accordingly with taste to suit the music.
This is a must have for drummers or fans. This DVD is like getting a private lesson from the professor. Neil starts with his style and how he changed after 30 years with the fine tutelage of Professor Freddy Gruber. Neil changed his style from match to traditional grip and found he had more control and fluidity. Neil plays each song then breaks it down by part & gives explanation of technique. There is also slow motion to help with the understanding of the parts. Website presents to your attention the video school Neil Peart A Work on Progress